Thursday, 3 May 2007


The return trip took me from Germany to Santander, always looking for the cheapest option. The city is the capital of the Cantábria, a northern Spain region, between the Basc Country and the Astúrias. Small, but very interesting. It was a sunny day and already many where the ones enjoying it at the beach, what an envy. The bay by the city is marvelous, one of the most beautiful in all of Europe according the locals, but the composition of the bay and the snowy mountains does make a beautiful postcard.
Getting to Madrid, I had the chance to try a new way of transport in Spain, now the regional train, which is bad. Not for the speed or delays, but for the comfort, the seats are really stiff and hard, quite painful for a 7h trip, although the view throughout the trip is marvelous.

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